
Nurses' Office Hours: 7:20am - 2:55pm
Phone Numbers: 860-763-8880 or 860-763-8887
Fax Number: 860-763-8888

Health Room Practices:
Students will be sent home from school for the following: 
Temperature 100.0 or greater
Active vomiting and/or diarrhea
Suspected contagious disease such as:

conjunctivitis (pink eye)
strep throat
scarlet fever
head lice
  undiagnosed suspicious rash

If a student has a headache or stomachache, we typically allow them to rest for 10 minutes and try to get them back to class.  If a student returns several times or requests that they call a parent, we will let them.  We will let you know what we feel is appropriate in the situation, though parents/guardians can make the decision unless it's one of the above concerns.
Texting and phone calls: If your student texts you or calls from a house office or personal phone asking to be picked up, please advise them to go to the nurses’ office for evaluation.  We will always allow students to call home if they ask. Additionally, we call parents when a student has an active illness or is contagious.

Concussions, breaks, sprains, crutches, etc.:
Have your student come to the nurses' office first thing in the morning when returning to school after any kind of injury.
Please obtain a doctor's note for any PE restriction(s), limitation(s) at school or needed accommodation(s) and have your student bring it into the nurse.  We will process it and notify all appropriate staff.
We can issue an elevator/early release/buddy pass for your injured student so that they are not passing with students during passing time which should make things safer.
We have plans for evacuation in the event of an emergency when the elevator cannot be used.  We will explain that procedure to your student.

State Mandated Testing:
We are not mandated to screen routinely for vision or hearing in middle school.  If you or a teacher has a concern about a student, we are more than happy to provide that service.
The one mandated screening is for Grade 7 female students.  This screening is the scoliosis screening.
The screening is done twice a year typically in December and in March/April in the girl's locker room during your student's PE class.
Direct any questions or concerns to the school nurse.
Please view the scoliosis letter HERE.  This letter will be sent via email before your student is screened.

State of Connecticut mandated physical for every student entering Grade 7:
Before your student can start Grade 7, the nurses need a copy of a complete physical recorded on the State of CT physical form.  CT Health Assessment Record.pdf
  As soon as you have that completed, send it into the JFK nurse.
Two vaccines are also mandated by the state before entering Grade 7.  The two vaccines needed are the Tdap and meningitis vaccines.
You will receive reminders about these requirements via email in the fall, spring, and summer while your student is in Grade 6.
Please be sure to schedule early with your provider as getting an appointment last minute can be difficult.

Medications at School:
Students are not allowed to carry any medication on them except inhalers and epi-pens with the proper paperwork on file with the nurse.
The authorization for medication administration at school for is HERE.
We have a supply of ibuprofen and acetaminophen that we can give with parent/guardian permission.  The standing order is HERE.
All medication permissions from parents, guardians, or doctors are good for the current school year only.  A new permission slip is needed every year.
Parents/guardians or a responsible adult should drop off any prescribed medication with the paperwork to the nurse.

Sports Physicals:
To try out for a team sport that is governed by the CIAC, the student must have a current physical on file with the nurse.
Sports physicals are good for 13 months.
CIAC sports medical form.pdf  

Dental Program:
Community Health Center offers dental exams and cleanings once or twice a year at JFK.
They accept insurance and they also have sliding fees
If you would like to have your student seen here at school, please contact the nurse to find out how to enroll in the program.