Our hope is that sports will come back to JFK Middle School. When that hope becomes a reality, the following sports will be offered for each season:
Fall Sports
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Cross Country
Field Hockey
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Spring Sports
Important Facts for when we have sports back at JFK:
All athletes need to have an updated physical on file with the school nurse before participating in any sport. Please submit to nurse prior to the first day of practice. Students will not be allowed to participate in tryouts or events without a physical on file.
Pay to Play forms will be distributed once the athlete makes the team
Once the schedules are formulated, they will be posted on the CIAC website
There will be an informational meeting before try-outs for all students who wish to participate in our inter-scholastic athletic program. All students will be reminded of this meeting during announcements the first week of school. Information will be provided to families via ParentSquare, the PowerSchool Daily Bulletin, and on the website.
All forms for participation will be available in the JFK Middle School Main Office, on ParentSquare, and on the JFK website.